January 30, 2012

Pretty Water

Sometimes I take a long look at the waterways I work in and embrace the natural beauty.

On days like today the beauty is a bit harder to embrace.

Anyone missing a Mountain Dew?

Mmm...frothy like root beer.


In working to complete dry weather screening for large sections of Turkey Creek, I get to see a lot of the good and the bad as far as 'pretty water' goes.  This was not a section of creek that I would call pretty water which makes my job of walking it mile by mile seem all the more important.  Luckily after some testing, my partner and I discovered no notable traces of copper, detergent, chlorine, phenols, or ammonia.  Nonetheless I think it's time another trip is made out this way to clean up all the things you don't need a testing kit to see!

Testing for PH levels.
The testing kit ampoules make for a different kind of pretty water...

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